Hi everybody!

I am so excited you are here! Woohoo!

My name is Jessica Bubash. I was born & raised in the Hoosier State. And ironically enough, I actually followed that stereotype and played basketball my entire life.

I attended Indiana Wesleyan University where I played ball, met my sweet Hubby (who also played), and got my degree in education.

You'll most likely catch me at a coffee shop or binge watching my favorite Netflix series.

I LOVE meeting new people. So please, don't be shy.

Fun facts about me:

  • I love Jesus, coffee, & and all the neutral colored clothes.
  • I wish it was Fall all year around so I could wear leggings + an oversized sweater everyday. But who am I kidding? I do that regardless.
  • I love collecting makeup & tote bags

My Mission Statement

When coming up with a mission statement for my photography business, I wanted it to be something that reflected my heart. I want this page to be WAY more than just a photography site & your session to be WAY more than just another click of the camera.

I thrive in relationships and genuine conservation. I believe that one of the greatest gifts Jesus has given us is community.

As we interact + go about our day-to-day routine, it is easy to get caught up in mundane. That woman you passed in the supermarket who was juggling shopping & tending to 6 kids. That co-worker who you notice never has a smile on their face.


Ya'll this is how good Jesus is.


Pay for the person in front of you.

Wave at a random stranger.

Ask an old friend to coffee.

So how does this relate to my site, you ask?

I pray my platform as a photographer REACHES people.

I hope you feel cherished & beautiful.

And above EVERYTHING else: I pray you feel worthy.

Because, my sweet friend. you are.

Please, SAY HI!